Hey ladies, and gents. I'm sorry it's been such a long time since my last post, but I promise I'll be posting a lot more often. So much has been going on lately it's insane, so insane that I'm not even in the same state! Ha! Well, on with the post. So, if you're not friends with me anywhere socially I've been engaged since December 24th! Exciting right?! And in the midst of all of that John, and I were really wanting to move out of the state. California's much too expensive, and we wanted out. So, now we're in Washington! After taking a trip out here we fell head over heels in love, and with much appreciated help from family we were able to move!

John and I drove separately and I'm so happy that I was able to survive two 12 hour days of driving, I knew I could. Mostly because my dad's a freaking badass at lang drives, so, figures that I would be too. I haven't taken very much pictures of the apartment, for various reasons, but eventually I'll show you all. It's a pretty cute place, and it's slowly coming together. SLOWLY. Mind you, this is the very first time that I've ever moved out of my parents house. Why so far? I don't know, cause it's freaking beautiful out here! Our parent's fully supported us moving out, they want to see us grow into young adults, and of course see us succeed. It's been a little tough, just because we need to get into the swing of things, but I know that we'll do good. I already have a job, and there's a good chance of advancement. So it's all good.

So, yoga.
I've taken up the practice of yoga, because I need to have some sort of medium up here. Something to do while John is "hanging" out with his friends over PS3, work, and more work. I've fallen in love with this thing called Yoga. It's a completely different exercise that I've done. I mean, I've done pilates, but it's just not the same. Anyway, I'll be documenting my practice, and hopefully I'll get pretty darn good at it.
Soooo exciting.

Anyway, I hope all that have stumbled onto my blog have had a good day, and time with whatever you've been doing. Come back for more! I promise there will be more! I can feel it!
Have Love.