
Cheers to turning Twenty-One!

One week ago I turned the age of 21. I went to a sports bar, brewery, restaurant with my closest of friends and family. Turning 21 felt like it was a much bigger deal to me than when I turned 18, mostly because "adults" this that you're still a kid at that age, and not really taken all that seriously for certain jobs. Anyway, it was a big deal. Plus, I want to get into trying craft beer, I know, I know how hipster of me to do so. Here's some of my extremly under exposed cell phone pictures.

21 years old.
21 years old.
21 years old.

(insert photo of john's family here)
I'm so sad that I wasn't able to get some pictures of John's family, but I promise... I will get some and show you just how lovely and wonderful they are.

21 years old.     21 years old.

The image on the above left is my Guiness Beer, and the one on the right is of my John, and I. All in all you guys I had the best birthday that I've had in years, mostly because I was with all my friends, and my family, and I am so happy, blessed, and forever grateful.

Have Love.

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