
I will not be ashamed.

I have changed a lot in the last year. I went from being a size 8 girl, who only cared about her image, and how men saw her to a size 10-12 girl who has gained more confidence, in herself image, because she didn't give two fuck about what people thought. I know that I've changed, because I can feel it in my bones. I'm not ashamed of my thick legs, my slightly chubby waist, or my arms. All that matters is that I should feel good, and I do.

I hate it when women focus solely on being skinny, starving themselves, or even working out so much that they forget what they were getting fit for. If you're going to diet, or work out, do it for YOURSELF, and not for anyone else. Don't do it for the looks, whistles, or anything like that, because it's what you think of yourself, and how you feel when you look in that mirror. I've learned that when you workout for people, or if you lose weight for people, you lose yourself, and you start to self loath yourself, and women or even men shouldn't do that. 

Learn to love yourself, and do what you want to do to please yourself.

 If friends, or anyone else judges you for doing what YOU want to do, then they don't belong in your life, and if you allow them to shoot you down or keep judging you, then you need to get them out of your life, because all they are, are toxic. 

Have love, and everything good will follow. Surround yourself with people that will not judge you for being who you want to be, and you will be happy. I guarantee it.

Have Love Darlin'

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