So, this museum was pretty R-A-D. I'm surprised I didn't have an anxiety attack by the end of our trip there, because holy fragile EVERYTHING. The museum has this cone shaped part of the building, and it's basically a studio/theater/toaster. The studio part is for the artists, and the theater part is for the guests who want to see the artists do their thing and watch them blow glass. The toaster part, well, there was I think 6 furnaces, or "glory holes" (their reference, not mine) in there, and it was pretty warm in there. Anyway, this place is cool, if you're into art, blown glass, and awesome.

One of my favorite pieces were those balls, so colorful, and playful. I mean come on! Also, this museum let's your bring your children to come and see the art, I MEAN REALLY? I would freak if I had a kid and brought them to a glass museum. I think I would die if they broke anything.

The pictures right above, and right below were inspired by children's drawings. This was my favorite part of the museum. What a great thing that they do with these kids, and it was incredibly cute to see the descriptions on some of these. The one below was "GIRLS DAY OUT!!!!!" it was sweet, and adorable. Also, my baby fever is at an all time high right now. I mean, how can it not be. Seeing babies, just makes my heart melt, and then I think about how John and I will raise our kids, and I get super emotional. Don't worry Mama, Dad, and In-Laws. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage. I've had that list down since like, the first grade, no need to worry.

Check this place out ladies and gents. It's crazy amazing, glassy, and real cool.
Have Love.
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